
Lots of movies

Hmm, nice relaxing weekend so far. Watched The Big Lebowski and O Brother Where Art Thou last night, and beat Soul Calibur II. Got all the characters and costumes and stuff.

So today I can't decide whether or not to do homework. Tomorrow I'll be going to see Return of the King at the Lyric, so I know I won't have much time, but you know what? Saturday is no-work day. It's against the rules. Muh-hahahahaha. I'll prolly challenge my roomie to a game of Soul Calibur, or maybe Warcraft, although he seems to get mad whenever we play that one cuz I have played for so much longer than him. Perhaps I'll try to show him how to Sleep and Surround...

I slept 12 hours last night, and for some reason that is making me sleepy! How contradictory. Oh well.

'til next time!


Can't sleep tonight

Oh my goodness. I went to bed at like 2 oclock, and it's now 3:41, and I just can't sleep! I have been laying in bed, just rolling around, and thinking. Thinking about the movie I just saw (The Passion of the Christ), thinking about life, thinking about school, thinking about my family, my friends, thinking about everything.

So I decided that maybe I would get up, take some Benadryl to maybe clear my head (and hopefully make me a little sleepy), and play a game of Warcraft III to clear my head of everything. Instead, I took my medicine and checked my E-mail. Bad idea, because my Dad had sent my some pictures of my sister's birthday party and some pictures of me and my brother and sister at Christmas, which shoved me deeper into nostalgia.

I really miss my family. I can't wait to see them over Spring Break. I also can't wait until I go to Lake Gaston on Spring Break. Woohoooo! I'm really happy that I have the friends that I do. My friends back home, even though I am 5-6 hours away, they still make it a point to keep in touch with me. (Which reminds me, I need to call someone back who called me today while I was in class! Not right now, of course...)

School....I love it here. I need to try harder in my classes, though. I don't have any idea why I find them so hard. No idea at all... More than sometimes I feel disappointed in myself because I feel like I could be doing better. I had above a 4.0 in high school. I graduated 8th in my class. I come here, and I am barely pulling off a C. I think it's because I am overloaded with work, but how do other people pull it off? I just can't do it! I am taking significantly less credit hours this semester, and I still find it hard to keep up! I feel so horrible! I don't know, I think actually I feel worse about myself because I am afraid of disappointing my parents. As a matter of fact, I think that is a huge part of why I feel so bad about myself.

With my parents in such a tight financial bind right now, I feel like I am under pressure. I tell them every time I talk to them about school that I am trying as hard as I can, but somehow that doesn't seem like enough. I just wish there was a way for me to somehow express to them that I really am trying my hardest here, to find an internship, to keep my grades up, to gain an education... I wish that there were a way for me to know that no matter how I do, they won't be disappointed in me. I mean, no, that doesn't sound right at all. I don't know how to word it. I know that my parents will love me no matter what, yes, but I just don't want them to be disappointed in anything I do.

I feel like I have so much to say right now, but don't know how to say it...

I'm really glad that I have the friends that I do up here. Yes, I already talked about friends before, but I can't express it enough. Plus I was talking about my friends back home earlier. I know I don't have very many really close friends, but I'd rather have a few close friends than a whole bunch of people that barely know me.

I met Anthony when we were placed in the NLCF Apex music team together, which was a band that led this 2 hour musical worship session for our church one Friday night a month. We're on the Sunday morning team now. Bands are so fun, but music's another story... Haha, he has given me rides back to my dorm ever since the beginning. Me and my stupid lack of personal transportation. And VT and its stupid 20 minute walking distance to the on-campus parking lot. He's just been a great person to talk to and be around, I dunno what to say.

This year, Larry started coming to Tech. I've known him since I was in the 11th grade probably. Might have been 12th, though. Anyways, we worked at the Harbour View Grande theatre together. Those were good times, now that I look back on them. Of course, I'm never going to work at a place like that again. Those customers were brutal! But again, that's another story... Dude's had a rough start this year. He came here as a Computer Science major, and he's in the Corps of Cadets, to boot! At first he was yearning to get out of that hellish organization (the Corps, not CS), but somehow it got flipflopped, and he's in some International Business major or something. I don't remember exactly, he only mentioned it once. Good luck to him learning all those foreign languages...

And I'm lucky I got the roomates I did, too. On a sidenote, I'm starting to get sleepy now. This is a good thing. My roomate from last year, I actually just recently talked to him again. He had switched into Computer Engineering (same major as me) from CS, and he was asking for some help, but we ended up talking for like an hour about random stuff. He's also the one that introduced me to the Paintball Club here. My roomie this year is a trip, he's such a fun guy to be around. David always has something witty to say, no matter the situation. But he also knows when to take thing seriously. This year has definitely been interesting with him as a roomate...

I need a girlfriend, though. I'm lonely. =( It's been so long since I've been in a relationship...I miss having someone be there for me all the time. For some reason, I just haven't met very many girls here. All the ones I do are taken, or just not interested in me like that...or something. It's been a long time since I've seen any sparks fly...

And somehow my mind wandered to the subject of piercings, also, tonight. Dunno how. Weird... Anyways, I have always wanted to get pierced. However, I haven't for two reasons: it doesn't look professional in a job interview, and my dad wouldn't like it. Since you can't take body piercings out for a while, I wouldn't be able to take it out if I was gonna get interviewed for an internship. My dad prolly would get over it after a while, though, I think. After all, my brother is most likely getting pierced in a little over a year. He's gonna be 17 in June. Hopefully he gets a labret. He is contemplating getting a ring on the side of his lip, but I am really trying to convince him that the labret in the center just looks a zillion trillion times better! Anywayz, I want my eyebrow pierced. I want one of those barbell/stud things, not a ring. And actually I've been thinking (not too seriously....yet), about getting my (gasp!) nipples pierced. Noone can see them during a job interview! Muh-hahahaha... And plus, maybe when I start working out, it'll look good. Not sure 'bout that one, though. I decided that maybe, just maybe, if/when I get an internship secured, then I'll get pierced as a celebration (interview will be over!). We'll see what happens there, though. I'll deal with that as things come up. And how the heck did this end up being like the longest paragraph of the post? Maybe cuz it is so random and needs explaining...

I probably shouldn't end the post on piercings. So I'll say something like, omg I didn't get to play my game of Warcraft! And this is a really long post!


I'll have more to write, later, I'm sure. I'm just so sleepy right now, so I can't go on, even if I have so much more to say.


The Passion

The Passion of the Christ left me speechless. Go see it. Now.

End of the World

I can't wait until the weekend! w00t gonna do nothin' cept a little circuits, math, and linux homework, and then watch return of the king!

And since I decided to take it off my profile, here's the End of the World Flash...


The Harder They Come

The movie The Harder They Come only reinforces the main WTF theme of my day today.


Circuits class trouble

Well, I do really feel like pouring water on my head in hopes that it will cool my fried and sizzled brain.

It all started when I got so far behind in Circuits. I just didn't grasp the basic concepts of that class, and I as the class progressed, I fell farther and farther behind. I went to office hours and asked friends for help, but I didn't get the help I needed until just this weekend. So, I had to cram in 4 weeks of material over a weekend before my test today.

Furthermore, I can't help but to somehow fall behind in all my other classes as I try to catch up in my hardest one. It just throws off my balance somehow. It doesn't help at all. =(

So today I took my Circuits test and my Discrete Math test. The Circuits test was hard as crap, and it was yet again only 55 minutes. I understood it, but I couldn't finish it no matter how hard I tried. However, I'm still comforted by the fact that I at least know how to work the problems now, and can keep up with the class for the remainder of the semester. The Math test was 12 problems long, which was way too many for the hour and 15 minutes we had. I finished 10 problems, and took up 6 pages of blank notebook paper (8x11) doing it.

Well, I'm just happy I caught up in Circuits. Now that I'm on track, I plan to stay that way. All I gotta do this week is read up on some Linux before my quiz Wednesday, read some Music Appreciation, and see if I have more Circuits due Friday. Also I have an OOP Project, but I'm not sure when it's due. I hafta look that one up.

On a lighter note, the new RvB is hilarious, and Strongbad is still funny as ever. Tonight I plan on playing a hefty amount of Warcraft and perhaps Diablo II, since I played absolutely none over the weekend. Nada. Homework is the devil.


No 52" TV for me

well , the 52" didnt turn out to be as good as we thought it would. i guess this works out for the better tho cuz that thing'd take up half the living room. and i don't really NEED 52"...

on a sidenote, i didn't get any work done today. grrrr....

Tables and Televisions

so I find out like yesterday that my dad found a nice kitchen table for my apartment on the side of the road. (someone was gonna throw this thing away!) O_o yay free furniture! he's going to fix it up and revarnish it and stuff, so that'll be nice.

then today i find out that anthony is not only gonna bring his surround sound stereo, he is going to bring one of two tv's up here. the first one is a pretty nice like 30" or thereabouts, i can't remember at all. the power supply went out on it, but that's all that needs to be fixed. the second one tho, is a FIFTY FRIGGIN TWO INCH TV! but the problem with that one is we have to remove some door panels in order to get the huge thing outta the house! it's gonna be sooo sweet!


Rough start in Circuits

Went over to Brian's house today and figured out quite a bit of Circuits! w00t! But now I'm burnt out after the test and an cramming 3-4 weeks of circuits material into my head in an hour. I don't feel like doing my homework, but since I haven't done my past 2 assignments in there, and since the test is monday, i prolly should at least start it.

On a sidenote, the Italian Job is friggin' GOOD! i finally watched it all the way thru (used to work at a movie theatre so i'd see segments of it at a time when i patrolled the theatres).

and also, the dark ranger is pretty good when used with fiends and banshees...just played against my roomate in a good ol' game of warcraft.


OOP test

Wow that Object-Oriented Programming test I just took was rough! Good thing I studied, or I woulda gotten a zero. It was a pretty darn difficult test, lemme tell ya!

We only had 55 minutes to complete the thing in, and we shoulda had way more than that. If you wanna see kinda how rough this thing was, check out this koofer, and the answers are here.

Anyways, this weekend I'm planning on brushing up my resumé so I can send it in to some companies and try to get an internship. And study a lot. (hopefully) But as for now, I gotta look at my Circuits work. And prolly take a short nap. And eat. [So always start sentences with prepositions/conjunctions!!!]


Sweets are now too sweet?

omg i'm getting old!!!!!!!! noooooooooo!!!11

I just ate a Cadbury's Egg (I love those things) and I feel like my teeth are burning from all the sugar and sweetness. This is NOT good in the LEAST bit!

I used to be able to eat my own body weight in sweets, and it wouldn't faze me!

Wave of tests

ok so i went to my math class expecting a test, then the teacher asks us if we feel like we're ready for the test, and everyone says no, so now we have the test on monday.

ugh. i was hoping to get this one outta the way. now i have an OOP test tomorrow, an OOP homework due monday, a Circuits test Monday and h/w due Friday, and a Math test Monday. noooooooo

we'll see what tommy vercetti, asteroth, and/or an archmage and pandaren brewmaster have to say about those tests. =)

and found out yesterday that rose got my valentine's card. =D and it was her only one, too! too bad the stupid mail didn't get there on time...dang usps... o well


Spring '04 semester begins

I guess I'll talk a little about what's been going on in my life recently. This shouldn't take too long, hehe. =]

Hmm, the semester started about a month ago. The classes I'm taking are Linux/Perl, Music Appreciation, Circuits, Discreet Math, and Object Oriented Programming in C++.

So far Circuits seems to be by far the hardest class, and the one I'm falling a little behind in. I have a test in Math on Wednesday, and in OOP on Thurs. Just took a Music test on Friday. So that's my schoolwork situation.

Last week I signed a lease for a two-bedroom apartment for next year. Gonna live with my friend Anthony and get the heck off campus. That's prolly the most exciting thing that's happened recently lol. It'll be nice living in the apartment I think. It'll still be very close to campus, I won't have to walk 20 minutes to the car, I'll have my own bedroom, a kitchen, more living and storage space, more freedom...the list goes on. I can't wait.

My plans for Spring Break...Gonna go down to Lake Gaston with a group of very close friends from back home. Alan, Robbie, Matt Hartman, Derek, Tara, and Ralphie if he decides he doesn't wanna go see some girl somewhere that I've never met. I went to the lake with them last summer, and it was prolly just 'bout the best time I've ever had. No work, no worries, no schedule. Just fun in the sun.

Been talking to this girl Rose, too. We'll see how that works out. Cuz I honestly have no clue. She's a really great girl, and she's hott to boot! She lives in Richmond, tho, and I'm not sure of much of anything going on at this point... I dunno...

Kinda been backing off of the gaming a bit. Don't play Warcraft nearly as much. Although I did install Diablo 2 today. Haven't played that since I was a freshman!

I gotta do some work tomorrow. Like quite a bit. Hopefully Mike, my chuch band leader (I'm part of the music team in my church, NLCF), will cancel music practice tomorrow (today!!!!). We'll see. I didn't get my snow day, either. >=[

Well, I can't think of anything else at the moment, so goodnight!!!!


No snow day, dangit

Aight well I was hoping for a snow day today, but that didn't happen. Oh well. At least Music Appreciation was cancelled (not cuz of the snow tho).

I think I have a couple tests this week, so that means I gotta start studying sometime today. And I oughtta do laundry to. I hate doing laundry tho. Such a pain going up and down four stories and walking to another building for laundry. And usually it takes me two trips! Then there's the hour I have to fold my clothes.

Tried to play Warcraft III today, but I'm finding out that I am somehow getting worse and worse at that game.

I think I'm going to take a nap.

Hello, Xanga

Hello, my journal!

Here's my expectations, straight up. Prolly I'll just be complaining a whole lot about how late I am up because of my homework. Like right now, I'm figuring out a Discreet Math problem. It's not working. Either I'm gonna be up late working, or complaining about having missed material in class the next day cuz I fell asleep due to the lack of sleep.

That's how it works. I can't concentrate during class, so I miss sleep trying to figure it out on my own. The lack of sleep contributes more and more to my lack of concentration during class, which in turn makes me miss more and more sleep. It's a vicious cycle.

Well, I prolly should write a lil about what's been going on in my life, since this is my first entry. So here goes.

Nevermind, I don't feel like it. It's too late. I'll do it later. >=P

Anyways, it was just Valentine's Day this weekend. I didn't have any Valentine, unfortunately. Valentine's Day can bite me. I even sent someone a card, and I don't even think they got it. And I don't even think I have a chance with them. But that's a different story. Well, not really, but whatev.

Imma go back to my work now. More later.