
Summer and fall '04

Well, I haven't updated this thing in ages.  So I guess I'll breeze through my life since I last updated.

My sophomore year here at Virginia Tech ended.  I went home and found a job as a computer technician, since I definitely wasn't going back to that hellish theatre or back to the doctor's office to alphabetize files.  Now, this place worked me 46 hours a week, which was pretty nice.  However, I only made 6.15 an hour, which blows.  No computer technician should be getting a salary that compares to a Burger King employees.  However, I would rather work as a computer technician than at Burger King, so whatever.

I also started playing Final Fantasy XI that summer.  Let me tell you what, this game is addicting.  Since I started playing this game I stopped playing Warcraft III and haven't even looked back.  Even now, I play this game every chance I get.  Spare time on the weekends?  Ooooh, FFXI time!  No, I don't go out anymore...

I went over to my grandma's house in Oklahoma over the summer, too.  I have one of the coolest grandmas of all time.  She spoiled Aaron and me.  Also while I was there, I talked to them about the trouble I was having at school, and they suggested that I might have ADD.

Over the summer, I found out that my old ex-girlfriend, Elaine, moved back in town.  Neato...  It was my mom who told me that she moved back in town, so naturally I finally told my mom what happened between us.  Hmmm... and I saw her once at Olive Garden before I left back for school.

Now, this year I got an apartment to live in!  Woohoo!  Anthony Graham is my roomate.  He's pretty cool.

Halfway into the semester I finally get my parents to get me a prescription for my ADD.  It helped, but since I was already in such deep crap in one class, I couldn't pull myself out.  So, I ended up doing not so well in Digital Design, but I got my first A since I've been here in Prob and Stat!  Hurray!

Over the winter, I worked some more.

Yup, that's about it.  Now maybe I can start updating this thing again without there being a huge friggin hole in the middle.