

Alright! I just met with my professor. There were a few mistakes in my actual work leading up to the equations, but that wasn't anything that couldn't be debugged if I could have gotten my simulation working, and they were just oversights. The good news is that he showed me what was wrong with my Logic Works circuits. Evidently, when I move a wire from one pin to another, this crappy software keeps the name of the wire on both pins. When I hook another wire up to the old pin, the wire then acquires the name of the previous wire, creating duplicates of many inputs and outputs that I had in the circuit, which screwed things aaaaallllllll up. Now I know what to look for, though, and I don't think I'll have trouble with building the circuits any more.

In other news, SOE has created something called the Station Exchange. Here's what Allakhazam posted:

I received a phone call from SOE tonight to give me some pretty amazing -- and unsettling -- news. SOE’s Station Exchange is now live. Station Exchange you ask? Oh no, is that what I think it is? Yes, Sony is now going to start allowing players to officially auction items and cash for real live money. Initially, it will be limited to two new servers they are creating for Everquest 2, with existing players being given the right to transfer to those servers where they can buy and sell with officially sanctioned impunity. However, this is just the experimental stage. It is clear from the FAQ that if this proves to be financially successful, there is no reason not to think that this experiment will eventually be expanded to all of EQ2 as well as SOE’s other games, which include Everquest, Star Wars Galaxies and even possibly, given their large ownership share of Square-Enix, Final Fantasy XI. IGE, meet SOE.

Is this the end of online gaming as we know it? Or is it just a natural and inevitable development? I know I personally feel a need for a strong adult beverage right about now. Feel free to post your feedback and opinions.

Update. After I posted this, SOE posted a letter from John Smedley about it on their site. Here's the letter.

There was quite a debate going on about this at Allakhazam. The majority of the posters on Allakhazam are against RMT (real-money trading), but I know for a fact that there is a large population of players that actually like to buy in-game currency or are not opposed to RMT in any way. It seems that different people have different predictions about whether this new Server Exchange. Some think it will encourage RMT and act as a catalyst, letting it infect every server of the game to the point of unplayability to the honest gamer. Others think it will help solve the current RMT issue.

My personal opinion? I have mixed feelings. On one hand, this is a step toward an economy like Diablo II, where everything has to be bought with real-life money in order for your character to be competent. The economy on that game was absolutely hell, which is the whole reason I quit that game and started playing an MMORPG in the first place. Implementing something like this adds real-life stress to a video game, which should never be the case. The people that buy Gil or currency in any game frustrate me. I despise this crowd. They are the people who grind their way to the maximum level for no reason other than to increase their "e-peen", show off, and otherwise be the completely egotistical arses that they truly are. I completely disagree with the MMORPGer whose idea of "fun" is to obtain as many experience points and as much money as possible regardless of the means.

This also leads to the online items and currency obtaining a real-life money value. If this happens, the idea that everything on the server belongs to the company begins to fade, and bannings might then lead to lawsuits.

We all know what the implications of RMT are: unnecessary competition for NM's, mobs, crafting items, etc., contribution to artificial inflation, and lazy, good-for-nothing players getting high levels and good gear without earning it. It's already bad enough as it is. Ultimately, if this were implemented on all servers of FFXI, I would quit. The game would lose its fun-factor and yet again a game would become a real-life burden. If any game were to implement this on all servers, I would not play it.

However, there is a flip-side to this. If this actually works, and the players that participate in RMT or have an interest in doing so migrate to the RMT-enabled servers, then those of us who do not RMT are left in a world that is much "cleaner". Why would gil-sellers farm in a server that has no gil-buyers? Why would gil-buyers be in a server where it's illegal, when there is one where it is legitimate? IGE and all the other RMT companies will lose their business and their influence in the economy of the games. Prices would be under the control of SE (SoE in EQ's case), so the economy would probably not be inadvertently be screwed by third parties. The RMT players are happy, and the non-RMT players are happy.

As long as the RMT is, in fact, restricted to certain servers, and the RMT players actually stay on only those servers, I'm all for this change migrating to FFXI. To me, RMT is not a huge deal right now (third-party cheat programs are more important, but neither of these are making me consider quitting), but I can't deny that it's an annoyance that I'd like to be rid of.

Disclaimer: What I have just written may not be readable by those of you whodo not play Final Fantasy XI. I'm sorry.

Well, that's all for now. Gotta get to work! (`·ω·´)


Not doing so great in Digital Design

Alright, I just wrote an E-mail to my professor asking for some help in his class. I think that the E-mail is the best thing to sum up what I've been going through for the past week (and sort of the whole semester), so I'll just paste parts the E-mail here...

For every single project that I have done in this class, I end up spending huge amounts of time staring at my circuit simulation, trying to debug it. For this most recent project, I finished my paperwork on Sunday night. All of my equations were derived, my init logic was ready, I had determined what chips I was going to use, and I had even created a C++ program to make sure that my equations were correct. On Tuesday, I start working on my Logic Works simulation. Tuesday night, I completed the diagram...or so I thought.

It just won't work! Here's my init logic... When yp is a preset state of y, and yn is the next, yn = init' * yp. This equates to yn = init NOR yp', which is what I implimented in my circuit. My equations should be stable at state 000/00... You would think that when init = 1, yn would be set to 0 because 0*x=0, but it doesn't! For some off-the-wall reason, my variables jump straight to 1 right after the initialization. I checked and double checked my diagram, and nothing appeared to be wrong... everything is two-level, I've checked for hazards in my equations, I've checked to make sure the right wires are connected to the right equations, I've double checked to make sure that I didn't somehow make my equation 3 levels instead of 2 (not counting init)... I've tried EVERYTHING!

Alright, so this at about midnight this morning I decide to start from scratch. I create a whole new logic works diagram, and this time I use normal logic gates instead of the 7400 Actual library. I set the delays of the gates to 22, and no dice. I set it to 1, no dice. I set it to 0 just to make sure that it's not a hazard that's screwing me up, and no dice! At this point, shouldn't my circuit replicate the C++ program that I made? Well, it doesn't.

All the while that I'm staring at these Logic Works diagrams, I am tempted to just wire it and see what happens, but I'm afraid that it will just end up being a waste of 4 hours or so, so I don't do it.

Professor Thweatt, the problem is that it's not just this project that I have had trouble with. Every single project that I have done, the same thing happens. The past two projects that I have not turned in, I have "complete" Logic Works diagrams for, but I did not finish the project. The point is that I need your help. I need to meet with you, I need to show you exactly what I've done on my project, and I need you to show me exactly what the heck I did wrong. I cannot figure it out by myself, and none of the graded reports that I have been handed back help me figure it out, either. I hope that you can help me.

Would you please be willing to take a little extra time to help me with my problem? I am afraid that this will take a little longer than a normal office-hours visit, so I do not want to interfere if other people want to see you as well. Can we set up an appointment? I would so greatly appreciate it! I look forward to hearing your reply. Thanks in advance.

Adam Russell

PS. I forgot to mention...I've already turned the project in. It is not validated, it is not wired, and the simulation is incorrect. However, a bad grade is better than none, and I know that I will not be able to fix it on my own. I'm not looking for an "easy" (haha) A on the project. I just want to know what I did wrong.


Working on Digital Design

( º∀º)

I got most of my Digital Design project that's due Thursday finished Sunday night, even though it cost me most of the night. The rest of the night was spent doing my final Electronics prelab of the year and going to Wal-Mart to pick up a birthday card for my dad.

I found out that my brother has a myspace the other day. Hehe, right now there's a Japanese Flash video, and it's about a Beastmaster in Final Fantasy XI that ends up MPKing (monster player killing) some other players. It's pretty funny if you play FFXI.

Well, that's all for now! Back to working on putting this circuit into the dreaded software that is LogicWorks...


Darkfang website

Hurray! I'm mostly finished with the website that I made for my Linkshell.

The only stuff I have left is the stuff that I'll have to continuously maintain anyway.


<3 D2 breakfast

D2 has the best breakfast. Evar.

Asleep 17 hours

Um... I am actually rather surprised at myself, here. I stayed up all night Monday night reading up on Electronics so that I can finish a take-home quiz that we were given (I'm behind in that class) and doing an Electronics prelab. After I turn in the quiz and prelab and eat some brunch, I get home at like 11:30 AM and go to sleep. I wake up at 10 PM, put on my PJ's, brush my teeth, and go right back to sleep. I just woke up at 5:30! Has anyone else slept for like 17 hours? This is not normal!


Learning via the Internet

The Internet is a wonderful thing. Why is it that I can go through a whole semester in a class and not understand a darn thing that the teacher is saying, and then a year and a half later I can look up the same thing on the Internet and gain a full understanding of the concept in two hours?

An Introduction to Differential Equations
Paul's Online Math Notes - Differential Equations

I mean, I seriously hated differential equations, but they seem so easy now!


Well, at least I'm learning, even though my grades don't show it. I'm still in a nonstop studying frenzy of Electronics and Signals & Systems! Interesting stuff, but I don't think I am doing so well in the classes...

And on a completely different topic, I finally found a Linkshell to call home (I think) in Final Fantasy XI! Man, I'm such a geek. Talking about MMORPG friendships on an Internet journal after ranting about computer engineering and advanced calculus...


Signals & Systems test

Well, I don't think I did so well on the test.. X_x I'm glad that there's a good grading policy in that class. I still have a pretty good chance if I do well on the final.


Lazy day

Hoorah! I did absolutely nothing yesterday. ::feels guilty::


Study study

Signals & Systems test and Electronics quiz on Friday. Must study study study. Digital Design project and Computer Science projects due soon. Head going to explode.


Horrible semester so far

I'm not dead, I swear! I just have been having a horrible semester. Tons of projects and tests, and I can't keep up with it all... I keep getting deeper and deeper into trouble, and no matter how hard I try to catch up, I just fall farther behind. Heh...

Well, the good news is nothing much has happened since I last updated. The biggest and bestest news is that my dad finally got a job (hurray!). He was offered two jobs at once -- one job was in Roanoke, about an hour away from where I am right now, and the other was in Texas. The family decided that the job in Texas would probably be best, so my Dad is now over there all by himself until the rest of the family moves during the summer.

I'll be staying here in Virginia to finish school, so I'll be halfway across the country from my family at any given time. Man, and I thought 6 hours was a long way home... This is gonna be insane. I will hardly ever get to see them. I will hopefully be able to at least get there during Christmas and Summer Breaks.

I always get homesick around Easter time. =( Easter has always been a good time with the family. My parents did send me more chocolate, though. That made me happy. =D