
Family's house in VA sold.

woohoo! sold the house for $299,500!

Busy summer '05

Oi, so busy. Working full time, keeping the house in tip top condition so that the realtors can show it to people, taking care of the dog who just got surgery...



Work vs. school

Ah, working is so much better than school. Even though I come home tired, at least I get to relax without having to worry about a project or homework.


Semester's end spring '05

Alright, now that I'm home, I can write a bit more. Yeah, I spent two days cleaning my apartment. Half of Wednesday and about 12 straight hours on Thursday. I did some dishes, washed the counters and sink, cleaned the nasty microwave, emptied the fridge and freezer, cleaned the kitchen table, swept, vacuumed the floors (including the kitchen and bathroom floors and the edges of the walls), vacuumed under the couch cusions, picked up the living room, dusted the living room table, made the couches look all pretty again, removed the mildew stains from the shower curtain, unclogged the bathroom sink (ew!), cleaned the bathroom sink, cleaned the toilet, cleaned the shower, cleaned the bathroom floor, picked up my room... Am I forgetting anything? Well, it took a long time and the apartment is sparkly clean now. I'm happy with myself.

I just hope that I didn't forget anything there. >.<

So what are my plans for the weekend? Go deposit a check or something in the Bank of America account, organize my clothes and belongings into my room. Eventually I've got to install Suse onto this computer. Maybe when I'm back here I can buy new case fans, a new hard drive, and replace those damaged CD's of mine. I've also got to try to set up my school schedule once I find out my grades. And I've gotta finish up the DarkFang website since I'm no longer a part of that linkshell.

I start work on Monday back at MCS Computers! I actually like that job. Maybe I will only work 5 days a week this summer instead of 6 like last summer. That exhausted me.

Now, I've gotta try to become a level 37 Thief... Excuse me while I go poke at Crawler caterpillars with my daggers.

Whew!  After two long days of cleaning, I'm finally finished.  The apartment looks like it did when I just moved in!  =D  It looks really good, and it's a relief that I'll be able to come to a clean apartment at the end of the summer.  I'm leaving to go home this morning.  Right now, though, I am going to bed.  I'll post more later.  I'm too tired to write.  (._. )